Articles (selection)

For a full list of publications, visit my profile

  • published in Archivio di Filosofia 92:1 (2024), pp. 157–72 (link)

  • [English title: “Nature as External Constraint: Physis and Imaginary in Castoriadis”] published in Ethics & Politics/Etica & Politica 24:3 (link)

  • Giornale di Metafisica 1 (2022), pp. 74–93 (link)

  • in Odradek. Studies in Philosophy of Literature, Aesthetics, and New Media Theories (2021) (link)

  • Hegel Jahrbuch, 2019

Book Chapters (selection)

  • [English title: “Intelligence turned into “Thing”: Imagination and Phantasy in Hegel”]; published in La Psicologia di Hegel (La Scuola di Pitagora, Napoli, 2023)

  • [English title: “Adorno and the Idea of ‘Natural History’: Anachronies of Reason”]; published in Agnese Di Riccio (ed.), Storicità della ragione, Pisa: ETS, 2017, 89–103

  • [English title: “From the Impulse of Reason to the Production of Signs: On the Role of the Imagination in Hegel’s Psychology”]; published in in L. Filieri (ed.), Linguaggi dell’immaginazione, Pisa: ETS, 2016, 25–38